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Grading Activity Submissions
Grading Activity Submissions

How to use and customize the grading rubric, and change rubric settings

Ryan Burke avatar
Written by Ryan Burke
Updated over 3 months ago

To grade a student's response, click the rubric item (box with a number in it - e.g., "1", "2", etc.) or press the number on your keyboard. You can select as many rubric items as you want and the sum will be the final score. A tab that says "Grading" will be on the left side of the response you're currently grading.

The rubric allows to grade activity submissions quickly and consistently - applying the same set of feedback to every submission. When you grade using the rubric, you can change it at any time - meaning that you can change the number of points or a comment within an item and it will be applied to all students who received the same mark.

For a response to be considered graded, you must choose at least one rubric item or enter a point adjustment.

Customizing the Rubric

Adding a Rubric Item

Lingco allows instructors to fully customize their grading rubrics. You can change the point totals and descriptions for any rubric item. To add a new item to the rubric, simply click Add Rubric Item. You can make the new rubric item any amount of points that you'd like. You can also type a description for the item underneath the number of points. You can reorder the rubric items by clicking and dragging them.

Creating a Group

If you'd like to go even more in-depth, you can create a group within a rubric item by clicking on the drop down arrow icon and clicking Create Group.

To add more items to the group, click Add Rubric Item to Group. As mentioned before, you can make these worth whatever point total you'd like and type a description for each. You can then click on, or press as many of these letters on your keyboard, as you want to sum up the final score.

Importing a Rubric

Lingco saves all of the rubrics you've created in all of your courses when grading activities. If you're grading a response and would like to use a rubric you've used previously, you can import the rubric by clicking on the drop down arrow icon and clicking Import Rubric.

A window will pop up that allows you to choose any rubric from any of your courses that you used to grade an activity response. Once you've found the one you're looking for, click on it and then click Import Rubric.

The rubric you imported will then show up on the grading rubric you're currently using.

Response-Specific Comments

The response-specific comments area is a place where you can leave comments/feedback on a specific response of a student's submission.

You can also use previously used comments by clicking in the area under Apply Previously Used Comments and selecting the comment you'd like.

You're also able to leave audio and written feedback on a specific portion of a student's audio recording. And you can edit and leave feedback on students' written responses.

Rubric Settings

You can access the Rubric Settings popup by clicking on Settings.

Rubric Type - Scoring Modes

Positive Scoring means that rubric items default to adding points, starting from 0.

With Negative Scoring (the default mode), rubric items default to subtracting points from the total points available for that question. You can change from one scoring mode to the other by clicking on the circle next to the one you'd like to use. If you want to have a rubric item that has the opposite effect of the default scoring style, you can change the sign before the point value from a minus (-) to a plus (+) or vice versa.

Score Bounds - Ceilings and Floors

A point ceiling prevents scores greater than 100%.

A point floor prevents scores less than 0%.

These are both enabled by default so that you don’t get scores out of the expected range, but you can disable them for extra credit questions or other situations where you don’t want the default behavior.

When you're finished configuring the rubric settings, click Save.

Navigating to Different Responses or Student Submissions

You'll see that there are four buttons on the bottom of your screen when grading -Previous Ungraded, Previous, Next, and Next Ungraded.

NOTE: Next Ungraded will change to Next Student once you've completed grading the last response of a student's submission.

To move to another response in the activity for this specific student, click Previous or Next, or press the right or left arrow keys on your keyboard.

To move to a different student's submission, click on Previous Ungraded or Next Ungraded (or Next Student if you've finished grading the last response of a student's submission).

Keyboard Shortcuts

To speed up grading, we've added a few keyboard shortcuts.

Left Arrow: Previous Response

Right Arrow: Next Response

1 ... 9: Corresponding Rubric Item

Q ... Y: Corresponding Rubric Item in Group

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