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Creating and Managing Modules

How to create, organize, and manage modules in your course

Seth Killian avatar
Written by Seth Killian
Updated over 7 months ago

Modules are used to group and organize content in your course and to provide a flow for students. You can create modules by chapter, week, unit, theme, or whatever organizational structure works best for your course. Modules can contain activities, lessons, vocabulary sets, files or links. Modules can also contain submodules to provide a greater level of organization (by section, day, etc.).

Creating a Module

To create a module, go to the course dashboard and click on the Modules link on the right under "Manage Course".

On the left sidebar, click the Add New Module button.

From here, you can set a name, enter a description, hide the module, and change the default settings for assignments in the module.

Controlling Visibility of Modules

If you're not ready for students to start working on a module just yet, you can set the status to draft. A module in draft mode will be invisible to students everywhere in the course - including the calendar and gradebook. Modules in draft mode will have this icon next to them:

Click the blue save button on the top right save your changes. After you click save, there will be an edit button in the same spot you can use anytime to make changes to the module settings.

Assignment Defaults

To set the default options for assignments added to the module, click the Assignment Defaults button while in edit mode.

On the popup, you can set the dates and grading rules that should be used for any activity or vocabulary set added to the module. To allow multiple attempts, grade automatically must be turned on. If assignments are already in the module, you can apply the default settings to them by checking Apply settings to existing assignments.

Note: If you see a red message like this under the start or end date fields, you will need to adjust your course's start and end date in the course settings. The start/end dates on assignments need to be within the course level start/end date.

Adding Content to Modules

Content is added to modules from the Content Library. To add content, click the green Add Content button.

In the popup, you can choose the library to search through and search for the piece of content by name or tag. Once you've found the piece of content to add, click the blue + button to add it. To close the popup, you can click anywhere outside it.

Once content has been added, you can click on it to view more information.

  • Submissions to access student work and grades

  • Preview to view the try the content from a student's perspective

  • Edit if you're the creator or an authorized editor

  • Delete to remove the item from the module. Make sure to use this with caution!

Adding Files and Links

In addition to content from the content library, instructors can also upload files up to 200MB or add links to a module.

Organizing Modules

Modules can easily be reordered to fit the flow of the course by simply dragging and dropping. Content within the modules can also be reorganized by dragging and dropping to rearrange or moved between modules. You can also add modules to other modules to create a submodule and add another level of organization to your course.

Deleting a Module

To delete a module, enter the edit mode, and click the red Delete button.

Note: Deleting a module will delete all associated students submissions and coursework. This action cannot be undone!

Importing Modules

You can also import modules from any other course in your list by clicking the Import Modules icon next to the Add New Modules button at the top. Importing a module will create a new copy of it for you to edit.

Note: If the module you import has submodules, those will also be imported.

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