You're now able to assign content to specific student(s) and section(s) (rather than the whole class) using assignment groups!
To do this, click on an activity or vocab set in your content list, then click on the Assign Panel to expand it.
By default, it will be assigned to everyone in the class. You can click the x next to "everyone" to remove it. You can also turn the Assign switch off while configuring assignment groups so that students can't complete the assignment until you're ready for them to do so.
Creating Assignment Groups
Assign to Individual Students
To assign to individual students, you can click on the dropdown arrow to see the full list of students, or start typing out a student's name.
You can select as many students as you want for this assignment group, then set the start and end date. We'll keep track of how many students you've assigned the content to at the bottom of the panel. You're then able to create a new assignment group and repeat the process with different start and end dates by clicking the +Add Group button.
Assign to Sections
You can also create an assignment group for entire section(s) of students in your course. Click on the dropdown arrow or start typing your section until it pops up, then select it. You'll then set the start and end date.
Students in Multiple Assignment Groups
If a student is in multiple assignment groups, we'll use the most specific assignment group for their assignment start and end date. Using the screenshot above as an example, if Angela is in her own assignment group with Kelly and also in Section 2, then the assignment start date for her would be 2/25/2025 12:00 AM and the end date would be 2/28/2025 11:59 PM - since that's more specific.
Removing an Assignment Group
To remove an assignment group, click the trashcan icon at the bottom of the group.
Student Visibility of Assignments
When using assignment groups, an assignment won’t appear in a student’s module list if they aren’t included in any group you’ve created. If you’d prefer that no students see an activity or vocab set in their module list, simply remove “everyone” from the assignment group and leave the "Assign To" area blank.
To verify which students can see the assignment and which students can't, you can go to the gradebook. Any student that has an icon with a slash through it underneath an assignment means they can't see it.
Granting Extensions
On the submissions page for an assignment, you'll notice we renamed a column to Due Date. The due date for students may be different, depending on what assignment group they're in.
When granting student(s) an extension, the new due date will show up in that column.
We'll also automatically create a new assignment group for those student(s) with the new end date.
You're now ready to create assignment groups!